Institutional Vision
The University of the Philippines sees itself as a leading regional and global university in an environment that sustains 21st century learning, knowledge creation, and public service for society and humanity.
As the national university, UP is mandated to lead in the practice and development of higher education, in terms of:
Setting academic standards and initiating innovation in teaching, research, and faculty development in an environment of academic freedom;
Serving as a graduate university providing advanced specialized studies, especially to the faculty members of state and private colleges and universities;
Serving as a research university in various fields of expertise and contributing to the dissemination and application of new knowledge;
Leading as a public service university by providing different forms of community, public, and volunteer service to the government, the private sector, and civil society;
Protecting and promoting the professional and economic rights and welfare of its academic and non-academic personnel;
Providing learning opportunities in various forms to promote such special concerns as responsible citizenship, sustainable development, sports and health development, and cultural development;
Serving as a hub for regional and global academic networks; and
Applying the highest standards of academic and institutional governance within a meritocracy based on collegiality, representation, accountability, transparency, and active participation of all constituents.