Quality Policy

The UP Quality Policy

The University of the Philippines commits to meeting standards of academic excellence as guided by the UP Charter and defined within the changing context of national, regional, and global developments that profoundly impact universities worldwide.

UP is committed to creating and sustaining a quality culture in all its programs and constituent units supported by a quality management system of global standards to fulfill its vision, mission, and mandate.

 With this system, UP shall:

As a guide to the continuous improvement of the University’s performance in carrying out its mandate, the UP Quality Policy shall be communicated to all stakeholders.

The OVPAA Quality Policy

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) is the University of the Philippines System’s key academic support and implementation unit dedicated to achieving academic excellence, collegiality, ethical and democratic governance, international recognition, and a culture of creativity, research and innovation towards the fulfillment of UP’s mission as the National University.

The OVPAA is committed to: