About the UP system Quality Assurance

UP recognizes that to sustain academic excellence, a quality assurance system will enable it to continuously enhance the quality and relevance of its academic programs. The UP Quality Assurance System, previously known as the Academic Assessment and Development System, aims to assure the Filipino public as well as national and international stakeholders that UP programs and delivering units meet standards of academic excellence as currently defined within the changing context of local, national, regional and global developments that have had profound impact on universities worldwide.

The UP QA System consists of the following components:

The Internal Assessment and Development System (iAADS) report, required every three years, is a vital assessment tool managed by degree-granting units within UP. Uniquely homegrown and tailored by UP to suit the specific needs of each unit, this comprehensive reporting system is designed to evaluate various aspects of academic programs and institutional effectiveness.

External QA (EQA) involves the external review of degree programs which may be done with local or international  assessment or accreditation bodies especially those for professional degree programs or with discipline and QA experts external to the program.


In 2018, the UP Board of Regents formally approved the UP Academic Assessment and Development System (UP AADS) with the aim of ensuring that UP's degree programs meet the evolving standards of academic excellence. The UP AADS calls for regular conduct of internal self-assessment of degree-granting units every three years, and external assessment/accreditation/review of degree programs every five years.  In 2021, its name was changed to “Quality Assurance” to reflect the comprehensive nature of quality assurance, encompassing both academic and administrative functions. 

UP recognizes that to sustain academic excellence, a quality assurance system will enable it to continuously enhance the quality and relevance of its academic programs. The UP Quality Assurance System, previously known as the Academic Assessment and Development System, aims to assure the Filipino public as well as national and international stakeholders that UP programs and delivering units meet standards of academic excellence as currently defined within the changing context of local, national, regional and global developments that have had profound impact on universities worldwide.

The UP System QA Committee


The UP System QA Committee will be responsible for the overall quality standards of the University academic programs and its support services. It shall guard the management goals at all levels and ensure that key users implement and modify processes, procedures, and standards.


Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ex Officio Chair

The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall sit as the Ex Officio Chair of the UP System QA Committee since attaining quality assurance of the academic programs is one of the major goals of the OVPAA. The full support of the UP System management to QA initiatives and processes is crucial to the success of its implementation. The VPAA will co-chair the meetings with the UP System QA Officer.

UP System QA Officer, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (Quality Assurance), Ex Officio Co-Chair 

The UP System QA Officer must be, at the minimum, an AUN-QA Assessor to be appointed. The UP System QA Officer shall oversee the day-to-day operations of the Committee and coordinate with the CU QA Officers on program activities. The UP System QA Officer shall be the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (Quality Assurance).


The Members-at-Large are appointed into the Committee outside of their Constituent Universities (CU) and on their personal capacity. These members must have training in QA assessment or accreditation, in particular, completed ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Tier 2 training or are QA assessors for the AUN-QA, Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU), or Philippine Technological Council (PTC), Accreditation and Certification Board for Engineering and Technology (ACBET).

Members of the Policy and Program Enhancement Subcommittee

The Policy and Program Enhancement Subcommittee shall be composed of the VCAAs of the CUs. This subcommittee will be in charge of formulating new or enhancing existing QA policies and programs. At this stage of QA development in UP, the Vice Chancellors for Academic Affairs (VCAAs) are the members of this Subcommittee to facilitate seamless implementation of QA initiatives within the CUs. The VCAAs should have completed QA training either by AUN-QA, PAASCU, PTC or other internationally or locally organized QA training. 

Members of the Implementation Subcommittee

Each CU shall appoint a QA Officer who will represent their CU in the UP System QACommittee as Members of the Implementation Subcommittee. This Subcommittee will be in charge of implementing the QA policies and programs of the University in the CU. The CU representative to this Subcommittee shall be the head of the CU QA Office or Committee, who may also be the VCAA.  The CU QA Officer should have completed QA training either by AUN-QA, PAASCU, PTC or other internationally or locally organized QA training. 


VPAA Leo DP Cubillan, M.D.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Ex Officio Chair

Professor Alyssa M. Peleo-Alampay, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (QA), Chief Quality Officer and Ex Officio Co-Chair


Professor Nina M. Cadiz, Ph.D.

Professor Aura C. Matias, Ph.D.

QA Office Director, UP Diliman

Professor Philip Ian P. Padilla, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus Irene M. Villaseñor, Ph.D.


Professor Alipio T. Garcia, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and QA Officer, UP Baguio

Professor Maileenita A. Peñalba, Ph.D.

Project Development Assistant - QA, UP Baguio

Professor Palmy Marinel P. Tudtud

OIC Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UP Cebu

Professor Patricia Anne G. Nazareno, Ph.D.

QA Officer, UP Cebu

Professor Maria Vanessa Lusung-Oyzon, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and QA Officer, UP Diliman

Professor Agham C. Cuevas, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UP Los Baños

Professor Myra G. Briones, Ph.D

CU QA Office Director, UP Los Baños

Professor Bernadette Heizel M. Reyes, M.D.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and QA Officer, UP Manila

Professor Bhabita V. Murjani, DDM

CU QA Office Director, UP Manila

Professor Maria Stella R. Salazar, Ph.D.

OIC Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and QA Officer, UP Mindanao

Professor Ritchie Mae T. Gamot, Ph.D.

CU QA Office Director, UP Mindanao

Professor Aurora V. Lacaste, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UP Open University

Professor Ria Valerie D. Cabanes, MA

CU QA Office Director, UP Open University

Professor John Paul T. Yusiong, Ph. D

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, UP Tacloban College

Professor Alice Joan D. Ferrer, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and QA Officer, UP Visayas

Professor Steve P. Janagap, MS

Project Development Assistant - QA, UP Visayas

Updated as of 12 July 2024

Organizational Chart

The UP System Quality Assurance TEAM